The main objective of performance counselling is to help the employee to overcome his weaknesses and to reinforce his strengths. It is a developmental process where the supervisor and the subordinate discuss the past performance with a view to help the subordinate to improve and become more effective in future.

Counselling provides an opportunity to the supervisor to give feedback to the subordinate on the performance and performance related behavior. Counselling is forward looking, concentrates on future and what needs to be done.
Conditions for effective Performance Counselling
The conditions for effective performance counselling are:
- A climate of openness and trust is necessary. When people are tense and hostile, attempts should be made to counsel and help rather than be critical.
- The counselor should be tactful and helpful rather than critical and fault finding.
- The subordinate should feel comfortable to participate without any hesitation or inhibition.
- The focus should be on the work-related problems and difficulties rather than personality or individuals likes, dislikes or idiosyncrasies.
- It should be devoid of all discussions on salary, reward and punishment. Any discussion on compensation changes the focus from performance improvement to the relationship between performance and reward
Outcomes of Performance Counselling
One major outcome of performance counselling is identification of the potential of the employee’s skills and abilities not known and utilized by the organization.
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