Countries whose currency is Euro

Here is the list of countries whose currency is Euro.

  1. Aland island
  2. Andora
  3. Austria
  4. Belgium
  5. Estonia
  6. Finland
  7. France
  8. Germany
  9. Greece
  10. Ireland
  11. Italy
  12. Kosova
  13. Luxemberg
  14. Malata
  15. Monaco
  16. Montenegro
  17. Netherland
  18. Portugal
  19. San marino
  20. Slovakia
  21. Slovenia
  22. Spain
  23. Vatican city
  24. Mayotte
  25. Reunion
  26. Cyprus

Note:- All are the European countries except Mayotte, Reunion and Cyprus. Mayotte and Reunion are the African countries while Cyprus is an Asian country.

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