National Sports Awards 2014

National sports award 2014


National Sports award 2014 was presented by President Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan on August 29, 2014. The list of sportspersons from various disciplines and eminent coaches who were honored is given below.

Arjuna Awards:

  1. Akhilesh Varma (Archery)
  2. Tintu Luka (Athletics)
  3. H.N. Girisha (Paralympics)
  4. V. Diju (Badminton)
  5. Geetu Ann Jose (Basketball)
  6. Jai Bhagwan (Boxing)
  7. Ravichandran Ashwin (Cricket)
  8. Anirban Lahiri (Golf)
  9. Mamta Pujari (Kabaddi)
  10. Saji Thomas (Rowing)
  11. Heena Sidhu (Shooting)
  12.  Anaka Alankamany (Squash)
  13. Tom Joseph (Volleyball)
  14. Renubala Chanu (Weightlifting)
  15. Sunil Rana (Wrestling).

Dronacharya Awards:

  1. Mahabir Prasad (Wrestling)
  2. N. Lingappa (Athletics – Lifetime)
  3. G. Manoharan (Boxing – Lifetime)
  4. Gurcharan Singh Gogi (Judo – Lifetime)
  5. Jose Jacob (Rowing – Lifetime).

Dhyan Chand Awards:

  1. Gurmail Singh (Hockey)
  2. K.P. Thakkar (Swimming – Diving)
  3. Zeeshan Ali (Tennis).

Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar:

  1. Employment of sports persons and sports welfare measures – Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)
  2. Community sports – identification and nurturing of budding /young talent – Jindal Steel Works (JSW)
  3. Establishment and management of sports academies of excellence – Guru Hanuman Akhara, Delhi.
  4. Other forms of sports activities not covered in the four categories mentioned in the schemes – Child Link Foundation of India (Magic Bus).