1. Cabal
late 16th cent. (denoting the Kabbalah): from French cabale, from medieval Latin cabala.
Meaning in English: a small group of secret plotters as against government, a secret political clique.
Meaning in Hindi: – चालबाज़ी, साज़िश
Synonyms: clique, faction, coterie, group, band, party, camp, gang, conspiracy.
Mnemonic: Cabal sounds like kabila in hindi. Think kabila is some secret group of people promoting their interest.
2. Clique
early 18th cent.: from French, from Old French cliquer ‘make a noise’.
Meaning in English: a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them, an exclusive group of people with common purpose.
Meaning in Hindi: – गुट, गिरोह
Synonyms: coterie, circle, croud, group, mob, cabal, clan, bunch.
Mnemonic: Clique sounds like click. You click photo of group of people.
3. Cache
late 18th cent.: from French, from cacher ‘to hide’.
Meaning in English: hiding place, an auxiliary memory from which high speed retrieval is possible.
Meaning in Hindi: – गुप्त जगह, छिपाने की जगह
Usage in Sentence:
“The lady hid her jewelry in little cache in her house.”
Synonyms: store, stockpile, supply, collection, treasure, wealth, reserve.
Mnemonic: Sounds like cash, so you hid your cash.
4. Cacophony
mid 17th cent.: from French cacophonie, from Greek kakophōnia, from kakophōnos ‘ill-sounding’, from kakos ‘bad’ + phōnē ‘sound’.
Meaning in English: a harsh discordant mixture of sound, inharmonious.
Meaning in Hindi: – कोलाहल, धूम, शोर
Usage in Sentence:
“A cacophony produced by traffic jam in Gurgaon.”
Synonyms: discord, noise, harshness.
Mnemonic: Sounds like cactus phone. So imagine a phone with cactus must be having irritating sound.
5. Cadaver
late Middle English: from Latin, from cadere ‘to fall’.
Meaning in English: a corpse, a dead body of human being.
Meaning in Hindi: – शव, लाश, मुर्दा
Synonyms: carcass, corpse, skeleton.
Mnemonic: Sounds like cadet in war. A cadet in war killed.
6. Cadence
late Middle English (in the sense ‘rhythm or metrical beat’): via Old French from Italian cadenza, based on Latin cadere ‘to fall’.
Meaning in English: rhythmic rise and fall of sound or words.
Meaning in Hindi: – ताल, छोटा शाखा, स्वर का घटाना
Synonyms: rhythm, tempo, metre, measure, beat, pulse, modulation.
Mnemonic: Cadence sounds like dance. A dance on rhythmic rise and fall of beats.
7. Cadet
early 17th cent. (in sense 2): from French, from Gascon dialect capdet, a diminutive based on Latin caput ‘head’. The notion ‘little head’ or ‘inferior head’ gave rise to that of ‘younger, junior’.
Meaning in English: a student in military school, a trainee in the armed service.
Meaning in Hindi: – सैनिक छात्र, सेना छात्र
Usage in Sentence:
“Cadet Vinay Singh was punished for his indiscipline.”
Synonyms: student, recruit, trainee, junior.
Mnemonic: Remember NCC cadet in school and college.
8. Cajole
mid 17th cent.: from French cajoler .
Meaning in English: to persuade someone by flattery or false promises.
Meaning in Hindi: – फुसलाना, बहलाना, झूठ बोलना, चापलूसी करना, धोका देना
Usage in Sentence:
“He cajoled Nisha to dance with him at party.”
Synonyms: persuade, wheedle, coax, deceive, seduce.
Antonyms: turn off, dissuade, repel, repulse.
Mnemonic: Kajol, an actress in Bollywood managed to get role in movie by cajole the directors.
9. Calamity
late Middle English (in the sense ‘disaster and distress’): from Old French calamite, from Latin calamitas .
Meaning in English: a natural disaster, misery.
Meaning in Hindi: – आपदा, विपत्ति, आफ़त, गज़ब
Usage in Sentence:
“Tsunami is a calamity.”
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe, tragedy, crisis, adversity, woe, affliction.
Antonyms: god sending, blessing, good luck, good fortune.
10. Caliber
mid 16th cent. (in the sense ‘social standing or importance’): from French, from Italian calibro, perhaps from Arabic qālib ‘mould’, based on Greek kalapous ‘shoemaker’s last’
Meaning in English: ability, quality, diameter of the inside of round cylinder.
Meaning in Hindi: – क्षमता, कैलिबर, बुद्धि, योग्यता
Usage in Sentence:
“The caliber of Indian students is inquestionable.”
Synonyms: capability, competence, merit, worth, talent.
Antonyms: inability, weakness, disadvantage, inadequancy.
Mnemonic: Bajaj Kaliber is a quality bike.