Banking – Questions Set 5

  1. What is meant by Public Sector Bank?
    1. The bank runs by the government having the Directors elected by the public.
    2. Banks should not sell the shared to public.
    3. Government of India or RBI or both have the least shares of 51% in that bank
    4. More people visit these banks
    5. These banks distribute free money to public
  2. Licensing Authority of Banks rest with _______________
    1. SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India)
    2. RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
    3. RRB (Regional Rural Bank)
    4. EXIM Bank (Export and Import Bank of India)
    5. All of the above
  3. The Other names of Reserve Bank of India are
    1. Central Bank
    2. Apex Bank
    3. Lender of the last Resort
    4. Banker’s Bank
    5. All of the above
  4. Which Agency in India is called the “Issuer of Currency”?
    1. SBI
    2. Ministry of Finance
    3. RBI
    4. IDBI
    5. Finance Ministry
  5. Who mints one rupee paper currency in India?
    1. RBI
    2. SBI
    3. Government of India
    4. IDBI
    5. None of these
  6. The financial assistance of loans of Rs. 10,000 by a bank to a very small borrower will be called?
    1. Business Finance
    2. Govt. Finance
    3. Micro Finance
    4. Small Finance
    5. KYC
  7. Who mints the paper currency other than one rupee?
    1. Government of India
    2. SBI
    3. RBI
    4. President of India
    5. Finance Secretary
  8. _____________ issues the paper currency having denomination of Rs. 2 and more?
    1. Government of India
    2. Ministry of Finance
    3. SEBI
    4. RBI
    5. None of these
  9. Who put the signature on the paper currency having denomination of Rs. 2 and more?
    1. Finance Minister
    2. Finance Secretary
    3. RBI Governor
    4. Prime Minister
    5. None of these
  10. Bank branches which can undertake foreign exchange business directly are known as
    1. Authorized dealer
    2. Foreign dealers
    3. Overseas branches
    4. Approved dealers
    5. None of these
  11. Who determines the denominations of Paper Currency?
    1. RBI
    2. Ministry of Commerce
    3. Government of India
    4. Deputy Governor
    5. None of these
  12. Which paper currency has the lowest circulation in India?
    1. 50
    2. 10
    3. 1
    4. 100
    5. 500
  13. _______________ paper currency has the highest circulation in India ?
    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 100
    4. 50
    5. 1000
  14. _________ paper currency has highest fake notes in India ?
    1. 500
    2. 100
    3. 20
    4. 1000
    5. 10
  15. All new paper currency must have _______ series now?
    1. Gandhi
    2. Nehru
    3. Subhash Chandra Bose
    4. Patel
    5. None of these
  16. To get rid of the disadvantages of Paper Currency, Plastic currency mooted. Which is the first country to mint Plastic money?
    1. India
    2. New Zealand
    3. China
    4. Spain
    5. Australia
  17. India moots to mint _________ rupee plastic money first
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 100
    4. 50
    5. 500
  18. In five cities / towns, the Rs. 10 plastic paper currency to be introduced for the valuation up to Rs. 100 crores. They are Kochi, Mysore, Bhubaneswar, Jaipur and ___________
    1. New Delhi
    2. Hyderabad
    3. Bangalore
    4. Shimla
    5. Pune
  19. Which of the following is virtual currency?
    1. 1 Rupee Coin
    2. Bit Coin
    3. Soft Coin
    4. Paper Coin
    5. China Coin
  20. Bit coin generated by?
    1. John Shepherd-Barron
    2. Satoshi Nakamoto
    3. Tim Berners-Lee
    4. Charles Babbage
    5. Thomas Bit


  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 5
  4. 3
  5. 3
  6. 3
  7. 3
  8. 4
  9. 3
  10. 1
  11. 3
  12. 3
  13. 1
  14. 1
  15. 1
  16. 5
  17. 2
  18. 4
  19. 2
  20. 2

Note: This article is contributed by our facebook group (Papertyari) member Pankaj Sharma.