DRDO (Defence Research Development Organisation) is India’s premier defence research organization established in 1958. It was formed after amalgamation of the then already functioning Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) of the Indian Army and the Directorate of Technical Development & Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science Organisation (DSO).
DRDO is a network of more than 50 laboratories. The functions of DRDO includes engaging in developing defence technologies covering various disciplines, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, combat vehicles, engineering systems, instrumentation, missiles, advanced computing and simulation, special materials, naval systems, life sciences, training, information systems and agriculture

Chairman DRDO
Dr G. Satheesh Reddy is current Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO
Headquarters of DRDO
The headquarters of DRDO is situated at DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi.
Functions of DRDO
- Apprising and advising Raksha Mantri on the influence on National Security of emerging developments in Science and Technology.
- Rendering advice to Raksha Mantri and to the three services and inter services organisations on all scientific aspects of weapons; weapon-platforms; military operations; surveillance; support and logistics in all likely threats of conflict. .
- To function, with the concurrence of the Ministry of External Affairs, as the nodal coordinating agency of the Ministry of Defence on all matters relating to Instruments of Accord with foreign Governments relating to the acquisition of technologies whose export to India is the subject of national security related controls of foreign Governments.
- Formulation and execution of programmes of scientific research and design, development, test and evaluation, in fields of relevance to national security.
- Direction and administration of agencies, laboratories, establishments, ranges, facilities, programmes and projects of the Department.
- All matters relating to certification of the design air worthiness of military aircraft, their equipment and stores.
- All matters relating to the protection and transfer of technology generated by the activities of the Department.
- Scientific analysis support and participation in the acquisition and evaluation proceedings of all weapon systems and related technologies proposed to be acquired by the Ministry of Defence.
- To render advice on the technological and intellectual property aspects of the import of technology by production units and enterprises manufacturing, or proposing to manufacture, equipment and stores for the Armed Services.
- To deal with reference made under section 35 of the Patents Act, 1970 (39 of 1970).
- Financial and other material assistance to individuals, institutions, universities and bodies corporate, for study and for the training of manpower on aspects of Science and Technology that bear on national security.
- In consultation with the Ministry of External Affairs, international relations in matters connected with the role of Science and Technology in national security including:
- Matters relating to relations with Research Organisations of other countries and with Inter-governmental agencies, particularly those which concern themselves, interalia, with the scientific and technological aspects of national security.
- Arrangements with Universities, educational and research-oriented institutions or bodies corporate abroad to provide for foreign scholarships and the training of Indian scientists and technologists under the administrative control of the Department.
- Execution of works and purchase of lands debitable to the budget of the Department.
- All matters relating to personnel under the control of the Department.
- Acquisition of all types of stores, equipment and services debitable to the budget of the Department.
- Financial sanctions relating to the Department.
- Any other activity assigned to, and accepted by, the Department through understanding or arrangements with any other Ministry, Department, Agency of the Government of India whose activities have a bearing on the scientific and technological aspects of national security.
- Autonomous Bodies: Aeronautical Development Agency.
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