The Global Solar Council is international non-profit association of the national, regional and international associations in solar energy and the world‘s leading corporations. It was founded in 2015. The Global Solar Council (GSC) was launched on December 6th at COP21 in Paris by the leading regional and national solar associations to unify the solar power sector at an international level, share best practices and accelerate global market developments. One of the functions of Global Solar Council is to enable solar energy to deliver on the promise of clean & distributed power, economic development and access to opportunity

The council is the global solar industry’s first international representative body and has set itself a goal of boosting the adoption of solar worldwide through cooperation, education and training
Functions of Global Solar Council
The functions of Global Solar Council are:
- Developing actionable policy recommendations for intergovernmental organizations;
- Opening new markets and growing existing markets;
- Building partnerships with key intergovernmental organizations and international institutions, e.g., IRENA, CEM, ISA and REN21;
- Expanding local capacity; and
- Promoting standards, best practices, quality initiatives and sustainability
Chairman of Global Solar Council
The association is governed by a board of directors of 20 members. Pranav R is the current Chairman of Global Solar Council
Headquarters of Global Solar Council
The GSC has its headquarters in Washington D.C., USA
Members of Global Solar Council
The principal members of the Global Solar Council include Australia, China, Europe, India and other Asian countries, Middle East, South America and the US
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