Welcome to the Online IBPS RRB PO Study Material

Welcome aspirants to this free IBPS RRB PO study material. Under this course, we will post free online study material for IBPS RRB PO exam. This course is exclusively designed both for the Preliminary & Mains examination preparation as per latest syllabus of IBPS RRB PO. We have divided the course into following sections:
- Quantitative Aptitude / Data Analysis & Interpretation
- Reasoning Ability
- English Language
- General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness
- Computer Aptitude
- Test Series
We will post the content as per the syllabus of the exam and post the complete IBPS RRB PO Study Material. So let’s get started

IBPS RRB PO study material
Quantitative Aptitude / Data Analysis & Interpretation
- Simplification
- Algebra: There may not be direct questions asked from it. But it is important to clear the basics.
- Number Series
- Profit and Loss:
- Percentages:
- Averages
- Ratio and Proportions
- Simple Interest and Compound Interest
- Time and Work
- Time, Speed and Distance
- Mixtures & Allegations
Reasoning Ability (IBPS RRB PO study material)
- Puzzles
- Blood Relations Trick by Adda247
More content is Coming Soon
English Language
To prepare English section for IBPS RRB PO / Officer Scale-I, we will first start with basics and then move to exam oriented topics.
- Basics
General Awareness
- Monthly Current Affairs MCQ (Knockout Series)
- Monthly Current Affairs Magazine (Drona Series)
- Practice Tests: These practice tests are designed for RBI Grade B Exam but these are helpful for General Awareness section of IBPS PO Exam:
Economy/Banking Awareness
- What are RRBs? by Unacademy
Computer Aptitude
Coming Soon
Test Series
Coming Soon