Accounts MCQ for SEBI Grade A | Commerce & Accountancy

Accounts MCQ for SEBI Grade A

Dear aspirants,
We are presenting you the Accounts MCQ for SEBI Grade A Commerce and Accountancy Section of the exam. These Accounts MCQ for SEBI Grade A are prepared as per latest syllabus.

Q1. Income and Expenditure is

  1. Real Account
  2. Personal Account
  3. Impersonal Account
  4. Nominal Account
  5. Capital Account

Answer: (4)
To understand the Golden Rules of Accounting we must first understand the types of accounts. The account classification applies to all the types of general ledgers. In other words, every account will fall in one of the broad classifications given below. There are three types of accounts:

  • Real Account
  • Personal Account
  • Nominal Account

A Real Account is a general ledger account relating to Assets and Liabilities other than people accounts. These are accounts that don’t close at year-end and are carried forward. An example of a Real Account is a Bank Account. A Personal account is a General ledger account connected to all persons like individuals, firms and associations. An example of a Personal Account is a Creditor Account. A Nominal account is a General ledger account pertaining to all income, expenses, losses and gains. An example of a Nominal Account is an Interest Account.

Q2. The concept of _______ requires that profits should not to be record until realized but all losses, even those which may have a remote possibility, are to be provided for in the books of account.

  1. Going Concern
  2. Consistency
  3. Accrual
  4. Objectivity
  5. Conservatism

Answer: (5)
Conservatism states that the accountant should not anticipate any future income however they should provide for all possible losses

Q3. Net profit made by company during FY 18-19 is INR 10,00,000/-.
Following expenses were charged in statement of P&L
Depreciation: 50,000 Interest Expense: 1,00,000 and Preliminary expense of INR 25,000 were written off. Calculate Closing cash balance?
Note opening cash balance is INR 2,00,000

  1. 12,00,000/-
  2. 11,75,000/-
  3. 10,75,000/-
  4. 12,75,000/-
  5. 11,50,000/-

Answer: (4)
Profit                                  : INR 10,00,000
Add                                     : INR 75,000        (Non-cash expense Depreciation and Expense written off)
Add                                     : INR 2,00,000     (Opening cash balance)
Closing cash balance       : 12,75,000

Q4. Net worth of a company is?

  1. Total assets minus current assets
  2. Share capital plus reserves
  3. Customer base
  4. Total cash balance
  5. None is correct

Answer: (2)
Net worth of the company is shareholders fund which is Share capital plus reserves. Another way to calculate net worth is Total assets minus outside liabilities.

Q5. Which of following will not be termed as Inventory?

  1. Finished goods
  2. Work in progress
  3. Raw Material
  4. Goods sent by a company’s Gujrat warehouse to Maharashtra warehouse.
  5. All of the above will be termed as Inventory

Answer: (5)
As per AS-2- Inventories are assets:

  • held for sale in the ordinary course of business;
  • in the process of production for such sale; or
  • in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services

Goods sent from one warehouse to another is a mere change in location of Inventory.

Q6. ABC limited BOD proposed dividend on 30.03.2018 and the same was approved bin general meeting on 31.12.2018 and actually the dividend was paid on 15.04.2019. Being a shareholder of ABC ltd in which Financial year you will recognize income?

  1. FY 17-18
  2. FY18-19
  3. FY19-20
  4. Will be divided equally among FY 17-18, 18-19 and 19-20
  5. Will be recognized as per the receipt of payment

Answer: (2)
As per AS-9 Revenue Recognition. Dividends from investments in shares are not recognised in the statement of profit and loss until a right to receive payment is established.
Right to receive payment is established on the day the dividends are approved by shareholder hence the whole income will be recognized on FY 18-19

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Q7. Company installed a heavy plant of chemical refinery for INR 50 Crore. Professional fee related to Installation paid is INR 2 Crore. The refinery has to be dismantled at the end of 10 years at the cost of INE 1 Crore. Calculate the amount of asset recorded Initial Recognition?
NOTE: PV factor at the end of 10th year is 0.38(10% Discount rate)

  1. INR 53 Crore
  2. INR 52.38 Crore
  3. INR 52 crore
  4. INR 51.62 crore.
  5. INR 50 Crore

Answer: (2)
As per AS-10 Property, plant and equipment initial cost is purchase price including any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling, removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located. The dismantling will be incurred after 10 year hence PV factor taken to calculate present value of future cost i.e (1crore*0.38)

Q8. On 28-02-2020 Nestle India limited imported a batch of Dark Chocolate from Nestle Switzerland at 1,00,000 Swis Franc. The amount is payable on 30-04-2020. Calculate the amount to be recognized as exchange gain/loss as at 31-03-2020 by Nestle India limited.

1 Swis Franc = 80 INR (28.02.2020)
1 Swis Franc = 85 INR (31.03.2020)
1 Swis Franc = 90 INR (30.04.2020)

  1. Exchange gain of INR 10,00,000
  2. Exchange loss of INE 10,00,000
  3. Exchange gain of INR 5,00,000
  4. Exchange loss of INR 5,00,000
  5. No Exchange gain/loss as both the company is owned by Nestle.

Answer: (4)
On transaction date sale recorded at 80*1,00,000/=80,00,000. As on balance sheet the value of swiss frac appreciated to 85. Now on balance sheet date we incurred exchange loss of (85-80)*1,00,000=5,00,000/-

Q9. Contingent Liability is shown under which of the following head of balance sheet?

  1. Share Capital
  2. Reserves and Surplus
  3. Non-Current Liability
  4. Current Liability
  5. Shown in footnote of balance sheet

Answer: (5)
A contingent liability is:

  • a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or
  • a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because:
    • it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or
    • the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.

Q10. A limited company has ______?

  1. Separate Legal Entity
  2. Perpetual Existence
  3. Limited Liability
  4. Own seal
  5. All of the Above

Answer: (5)
All of the above are features of company limited by shares

Q11. Gupta limited made a short-term investment in gold of 10,00,000 on 01st Jan’19. As on 31.03.2019 the market value gold decrease to INR 8,00,000. And to make the sale of gold a commission of 2% is to paid on sale value as per Association of Gold Traders of INDIA.
The value of Investment in the books of account should be-

  1. 10,20,000/-
  2. 9,80,000/-
  3. 8,16,000/-
  4. 8,00,000/-
  5. 7,84,000 /-

Answer: (5)
As per AS-13 Accounting for Investment. The carrying amount for current investments is the lower of cost and fair value. Net realisable value provides an evidence of fair value. 784,000 [(8,00,000 – 2%(8,00,000)].

Q12. Maximum capital that a company can raise is called _______?

  1. Paid up capital
  2. Called up capital
  3. Subscribed capital
  4. Authorized Capital
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4)

  • Authorised Share Capital: Authorized capital, also called nominal capital, as stated in the Memorandum of Association (MOA) is the amount of share capital that a company can raise at any time by issuing new shares. A company cannot issue shares of the value more than the authorized capital.
  • Issued Share Capital: Issued Capital is issued by the company from time to time. The issued capital has to be within the limits of the authorized capital as stated in the memorandum. The issued share capital is either equal to or less than the authorized capital. It can never be more than the authorized capital of the company. It is also called as called-up capital.
  • Subscribed Share Capital: Subscribed capital is increased when members have subscribed to the shares of the company. Subscribed share capital should also be equal to or less than the issued share capital. The un-allotted capital out of the subscribed share capital is called unsubscribed share capital
  • Paid-Up Share Capital: Paid-up share capital is the aggregate amount of money received from shareholders for shares issued. Hence, the capital allotted and paid by shareholders is called paid-up capital. This shows the amount received either in cash or in kind by the company from the allottees of shares subscribed by them. That part of the subscribed capital that remains to be paid is called “Calls in Arrears” or “unpaid share capital”. Therefore, paid-up share capital is shown after deducting from the subscribed capital and the unpaid share capital.

These MCQs are prepared by CA Raman Luthra Classes. Subscribe the SEBI Grade A Course by CA Raman Luthra Classes to prepare for SEBI Grade A 2021 exam. Use Coupon Code PTY10 to get instant 10% discount on the course.

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Tags: Accounts MCQ for SEBI Grade A, Accounts Quiz for SEBI Grade A, Accountancy MCQ for SEBI Grade A 2021