Dear aspirants,
We are presenting you the Motivation Theories MCQ Part 2 for SEBI Grade A Companies Act Section of the exam.

Q1. Who has given the ERG theory of motivation?
- Clayton Alderfer
- David McClelland
- Victor Vroom
- Frederick Herzberg
- Douglas McGregor
Answer: (1)
To address shortcomings of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Clayton Alderfer proposed ERG theory of motivation
Q2. How many levels are there in ERG theory of motivation?
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
Answer: (4)
Q3. Which among the following is correct expansion of ‘ERG’ in ERG theory of motivation?
- E – Existence, R – Religion, G – Growth
- E – Experience, R – Related, G – Growth
- E – Existence, R – Related, G – Growth
- E – Existence, R – Requirement, G – Growth
- E – Effectiveness, R – Related, G – Growth
Answer: (3)
ERG theory is based on the concepts of existence needs, related needs and growth needs used in the model. ERG means Existence, Relatedness and Growth
Q4. Which out the following needs represents Existence need of a person as per ERG theory of motivation?
- Esteem and Social needs
- Physiological and Safety, Security needs
- Safety and Security Needs
- Physiological and Self-Actualisation needs
- Safety, Security and Esteem Needs
Answer: (2)
Existence needs relate to the basic survival of human beings. They are similar to the physiological and safety needs suggested by Maslow
Q5. Which among the following is true about ERG theory of motivation?
- Lower level need must be satisfied before moving to next higher level of need
- Higher level need must be satisfied before moving to next lower level of need
- Middle level needs are most important
- Esteem is most important needs that must be satisfied first
- A person may seeks to satisfy any level of need per his circumstances
Answer: (5)
Q6. Name the motivation theory that is based on Frustration-regression?
- Alderfer – ERG theory
- Maslow – hierarchy of needs theory
- Herzberg – Two factor theory
- Skinner’s reinforcement theory
- Vroom’s expectancy theory
Answer: (1)
Q7. Which among the following does not fall under the category of Existence Need?
- Monetary Rewards
- Job Security
- Food
- Friendship
- Inventive on Job
Answer: (4)
Friendship belongs to Relatedness need.
Q8. A person’s need for power and authority falls under which category of need in ERG theory of motivation?
- Existence
- Relatedness
- Growth
- Existence and Growth
- Growth and Relatedness
Answer: (3)
Q9. Which out of the following is wrong mapping of needs in Maslow – hierarchy of needs and ERG theory of motivation?
- Existence – Physiological needs
- Relatedness – Social needs
- Existence – Safety and Security Needs
- Growth – Esteem needs
- Growth – Physiological needs
Answer: (5)
Q10. Rahul is a software engineer in IT Company in Pune. He was happily married and had a two year old daughter. He performed very well during last two years and was due for promotion. But in an organization reshuffle, he was offered to move to Kolkata if he wants to avail promotion opportunity. After thoughtful consideration, he decided to decline the offer and decides to stay with his family in this current position in company. Which need Rahul has satisfied in this example?
- Alderfer’s relatedness need
- Maslow’s esteem need
- Alderfer’s existence need
- Maslow’s Security need
- Alderfer’s growth need
Answer: (1)
In this example, Rahul moved from higher level need of Growth to lower level of need of Relatedness. This is as per Alderfer’s ERG theory
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