Here is the Current affairs quiz July 7th & 8th 2019 for RBI/IBPS PO in the quiz series for RBI grade B. This quiz series is also useful for IBPS/SBI PO, Railway recruitment, LIC AAO and clerical exams. The questions covers current affairs, static financial knowledge and other important topics which can be asked in competitive exams. Answers are given at the end of the quiz.

Q1. Which is India’s most expensive city for expatriates as per Mercer’s 25th Annual Cost of Living Survey?
- Mumbai
- New Delhi
- Bengaluru
- Chennai
Q2. Which is world’s most expensive city for expatriates as per Mercer’s 25th Annual Cost of Living Survey?
- Seoul
- Singapore
- Tokyo
- Hong Kong
Q3. Which state has announced the annual financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to “loktantra senanis” or their spouse?
- Maharashtra
- Haryana
- Punjab
- Rajasthan
Q4. RBI has relaxed the leverage ratio for Domestic Systemically Important Banks (DSIBs) to _____?
- 3%
- 5%
- 4%
- 5%
Q5. RBI has relaxed the leverage ratio for banks other than Domestic Systemically Important Banks (DSIBs) to _____?
- 3%
- 5%
- 4%
- 5%
Q6. India has signed a loan agreement worth 400 million dollar with the _____ to help treat and eliminate Tuberculosis from the country?
- Asian Development Bank
- World Bank
Q7. What is the deadline to end TB under National Strategic Plan to end TB?
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
- 2028
Q8. Who has signed the Loan Agreement of USD 250 million for the First Resilient Kerala Program?
- Asian Development Bank
- World Bank
Q9. Who has been honoured the national badminton coach Pullela Gopichand with honorary doctorate?
- IIT Delhi
- IIT Roorkee
- IIT Kanpur
- IIT Mumbai
Q10. International Day of the Tropics is observed annually on _______?
- 28th June
- 29th June
- 30th June
- 1st July
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 2
You may also like to read: Current Affairs Quiz July 6th 2019 for RBI/NABARD
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Tags: Current Affairs Quiz July 7th & 8th 2019