Here is the Current affairs quiz October 22nd 2019 for RBI/IBPS PO in the quiz series for RBI grade B. This quiz series is also useful for IBPS/SBI PO, Railway recruitment, LIC AAO and clerical exams. The questions covers current affairs, static financial knowledge and other important topics which can be asked in competitive exams. Answers are given at the end of the quiz.

Q1. Which state is going to organize country’s first training and performance programme of world-famous KHON Ramlila of Thailand.
- Bihar
- Haryana
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
Q2. How many heritage landmarks from India were chosen for the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation 2019?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
Q3. World Food Day is observed annually on ________?
- 13th October
- 14th October
- 15th October
- 16th October
Q4. What is the theme of World Food Day, 2019?
- Ending World Hunger by 2030 is Possible
- Our Actions Are Our Future
- Change the future of migration
- Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.
Q5. What is India’s ranking in Global Hunger Index 2019?
- 102nd
- 99th
- 95th
- 90th
Q6. How many countries have jointly topped the Global Hunger Index, 2019?
- 12
- 15
- 16
- 17
Q7. What will be global growth rate in 2019 as per IMF’s latest estimates?
- 2.9%
- 3%
- 3.1%
- 3.2%
Q8. What will be global growth rate in 2019 as per IMF’s latest estimates?
- 7.5%
- 7.2%
- 7%
- 6.1%
Q9. What will be global growth rate in 2020 as per IMF’s latest estimates?
- 7.5%
- 7.2%
- 7%
- 6.1%
Q10. Which among the following countries were re-admitted as ICC members?
- Nepal and Bangladesh
- Zimbabwe and Nepal
- Dubai and Netherland
- Netherland and Ireland
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 2
You may also like to read: Current Affairs Quiz October 21st 2019 for RBI/NABARD
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