Here is the General awareness quiz for RBI/IBPS PO April 17th 2019 in the quiz series for RBI grade B. This quiz series is also useful for IBPS/SBI PO, Railway recruitment, LIC AAO and clerical exams. The questions covers current affairs, static financial knowledge and other important topics which can be asked in competitive exams. Answers are given at the end of the quiz.

Q1. Where does India’s first exotic Bird Park ‘Essel World Bird Park’ has been launched?
- Faridabad
- Pune
- Mumbai
- Hyderabad
Q2. The Rongali Bihu is cultural festival of _________?
- Nagaland
- Assam
- Tripura
- Arunachal Pradesh
Q3. Where does 8th edition of Home Expo India 2019 held?
- Gurgaon
- Delhi
- Meerut
- Noida
Q4. Which country has developed world’s first armed amphibious drone boat named ‘Marine Lizard‘?
- China
- India
- Japan
Q5. Which among the following has been conferred with the Pulitzer Prizes for their separate investigations of President Donald Trump and his family?
- Wall Street Journal
- New York Times
- Only 1 & 2
Q6. Who has been selected for UNESCO/Guillermo Cano Press Freedom Prize 2019?
- Kyaw Soe Oo
- Robert Fisk
- Kate Adie
- Christiane Amanpour
Q7. Which book has been conferred with the Pulitzer Prize 2019 under ‘fiction’ category?
- Frederick Douglass
- Fairview
- The Overstory
- The New Negro
Q8. Which book has been conferred with the Pulitzer Prize 2019 under ‘Drama’ category?
- Frederick Douglass
- Fairview
- The Overstory
- The New Negro
Q9. Which book has been conferred with the Pulitzer Prize 2019 under ‘History’ category?
- Frederick Douglass
- Fairview
- The Overstory
- The New Negro
Q10. Which book has been conferred with the Pulitzer Prize 2019 under ‘Biography’ category?
- Frederick Douglass
- Fairview
- The Overstory
- The New Negro
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 4
- 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 4
You may also like to read: General awareness quiz for RBI/IBPS PO April 16th 2019
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