Here is the General awareness quiz for RBI/IBPS PO January 19th 2019 in the quiz series for RBI grade B. This quiz series is also useful for IBPS/SBI PO, Railway recruitment, LIC AAO and clerical exams. The questions covers current affairs, static financial knowledge and other important topics which can be asked in competitive exams. Answers are given at the end of the quiz.

Q1. IMBEX is the military exercise between India and which other country?
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- Myanmar
- Afghanistan
Q2. Where does IMBEX 2018-19 held?
- Chandigarh
- Chennai
- Goa
- Dehradun
Q3. Satyarup Siddhanta is related to ________?
- Politics
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Mountaineering
Q4. Who has took up the chairmanship of G77?
- Egypt
- Palestine
- Israel
- India
Q5. Who has been conferred with the Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2015?
- Yohei Sasakawa
- Ekal Abhiyan Trust
- Akshaya Patra Foundation
- Vivekananda Kendra
Q6. Who has been conferred with the Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2016?
- Yohei Sasakawa
- Ekal Abhiyan Trust
- Akshaya Patra Foundation
- Vivekananda Kendra
Q7. Who has been conferred with the Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2017?
- Yohei Sasakawa
- Ekal Abhiyan Trust
- Akshaya Patra Foundation
- Vivekananda Kendra
Q8. Who has been conferred with the Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2018?
- Yohei Sasakawa
- Ekal Abhiyan Trust
- Akshaya Patra Foundation
- Vivekananda Kendra
Q9. The union cabinet has decided to infuse capital of ___________ in EXIM bank?
- Rs 5000 crore
- Rs 6000 crore
- Rs 8000 crore
- Rs 10000 crore
Q10. The authorized capital of EXIM bank has been enhanced to ____________?
- Rs 5000 crore
- Rs 10000 crore
- Rs 15000 crore
- Rs 20000 crore
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 4
You may also like to read: General awareness quiz for RBI/IBPS PO January 18th 2019
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Tags: General awareness quiz for RBI/IBPS PO January 19th 2019