Fisheries and Aquaculture comprise an important sector of food production in India, contributing sizably to the food basket. It provides gainful employment and livelihood support to more than 14 million people engaged in different fisheries activities. Realizing the immense scope for development of fisheries and aquaculture, the Government of India has restructured the Central Plan Scheme under an umbrella of Blue Revolution.

Objectives of Blue Revolution
Creating an enabling environment for integrated development of the full potential of fisheries of the country, along with substantially improvement in the income status of fishers and fish farmers keeping in view the sustainability, bio-security and environmental concerns
Implementing Agencies
- Central Government Institutes/Agencies, NFDB, ICAR Institutes etc.
- State Governments and UT
- State Government Agencies, Corporations, Federations
- Fishers Cooperatives
- Individual Beneficiaries/Entrepreneurs
The restructured Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Blue Revolution: Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries formulated at a total Central outlay of 3000 crore for five years. The scheme has the following components:
- National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) and its activities: National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) was set up on 10th July 2006 with objective to enhance fish production and productivity and to strengthen infrastructure facilities for overall development of fisheries sector
- Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture:
- Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post-Harvest Operations
- Strengthening of Database & Geographical Information System of the Fisheries Sector
- Institutional Arrangement for Fisheries Sector
- Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) and other need-based Interventions
- National Scheme on Welfare of Fishermen: It envisaging to provide financial assistance to fishers for construction of house, community hall for recreation and common working place and installation of tube-wells for drinking water and assistance during lean period through saving cum relief component. The objectives of the scheme are: Provision of basic amenities like drinking water and sanitation in fishers’ villages, Better living standards for fishers and their families, Social security for active fishers and their dependants, and Economic Security. The scheme has been implemented within an outlay of Rs 640 crore including a Central outlay of Rs. 320 crore for the remaining part of the 12th Plan
It has been targeted to enhance the fish production from 107.95 lakh tonnes in 2015-16 to about 150 lakh tonnes by the end of the financial year 2019-20.
Financial Outlay
The financial outlay for financial year 2018-19 is Rs 732.45 crore.
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