Q 1. Which is the world’s highest waterfall?
a. Angel Falls, Venezuela
b. Tugela Falls, South Africa
c. Three Sisters Falls, Peru
d. Niagara Falls, Canada
Q 2. Which gas is present in largest amount in air?
a. Oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Argon
d. Nitrogen
Q 3. What is the composition of oxygen in the atmosphere?
a. 78%
b. 21%
c. 8%
d. 0.8%
Q 4. Which gas is produced by green plants during photosynthesis?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Ozone
c. Oxygen
d. Nitrogen
Q 5. The air we breathe, exists in which layer of atmosphere?
a. Stratosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere
Q 6. In which layer of atmosphere, ozone layer is present?
a. Stratosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere
Q 7. Which is the highest layer of atmosphere in which airplane can fly?
a. Stratosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere
Q 8. In which layer of atmosphere, the radio waves transmitted from earth are reflected back to earth?
a. Stratosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Mesosphere
Q 9. Which of the following instruments is used to measure temperature?
a. Thermometer
b. Barometer
c. Rain gauge
d. Wind wane
Q 10. Which of the following instruments is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
a. Thermometer
b. Barometer
c. Rain gauge
d. Wind wane
Q1.(a), Q2. (d), Q3. (b), Q4. (c), Q5. (b), Q6. (a), Q7. (a), Q8. (c), Q9. (a), Q10. (b)
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