Few important types of operating system are:
- Batch operating system
- Time-sharing operating system
- Distributed operating system
- Network operating system
- Real Time operating system
Batch operating system
Batch operating system is one where programs and data are collected together in a batch before processing starts. A job is predefined sequence of commands, programs and data that are combined in to a single unit called job.
Time-sharing operating system
Time-sharing operating system enables many users to access the computer system at the same time using terminal. The processor time is shared among users of the operating system. Multiple jobs are executed by switching the CPU between the users. Time-sharing OS reduces the CPU idle and improves the response time.
Distributed operating system
Distributed operating system is basically used in data processing jobs. The distributed operating system has multiple processors running multiple applications used by multiple users at a time. The jobs are processed efficiently. If one computer fails, other system can continue processing the jobs. There is reduction of load on one computer/processor and reduced delay in processing the jobs.
Network operating system
Network operating system (NOS) runs on server and provides networking features like connecting to LAN. The server has the capability to manage users, security, data etc. The NOS allows you to share resources like printers with multiple computers on the network. Some network operating systems are UNIX, LINUX, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 etc.
Real Time operating system
Real time operating systems are those operating systems which are designed for real time applications. It mostly runs online and performs operations in real time.
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