Six people are sitting in a circle facing center. Sahil is sitting opposite to Rahul. Puneet is sitting right of Rahul but left of Deepak. Mohit is sitting left of Rahul. Keshav is sitting right of Sahil and left of Mohit. Now Deepak and Keshav, Mohit and Rahul mutually exchange their positions.
- Who is sitting to the right of Rahul?
- Keshav
- Sahil
- Puneet
- Mohit
- Who is sitting to the third left of Mohit?
- Sahil
- Keshav
- Deepak
- Rahul
- Who is sitting between Puneet and Sahil?
- Deepak
- Keshav
- Rahul
- Mohit
- Who is sitting opposite to Deepak?
- Keshav
- Rahul
- Puneet
- Mohit
- Who is sitting to the left of Keshav?
- Puneet
- Sahil
- Deepak
- Mohit
Final arrangement will be

- d
- a
- b
- c
- a
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