Daily GK Potion – 18th October 2014

  1. Government deregulated diesel prices
    • The move will cut the price of diesel by Rs 3.35 per litre with effect from midnight tonight. This is the first cut in last five years.
    • The government modified Rangarajan formula approved by previous UPA government to bring down the increase in rates from $ 8.4 to $5.61.
  2. Centre launches Jammu Kashmir Arogya Gram Yojna
    • The Centre will launched scheme to encourage farmers in Jammu and Kashmir to cultivate scientifically tested and commercially beneficial aromatic and medicinal plants in the state.
    • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), will help the farmers with expert guidance and provide them saplings of as many as nine varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants.
    • Initially 1000 villages will be covered under the scheme. The government will spend Rs 25 crore initially.
  3. UK launches first ever Dadabhai Naoroji Awards
    • The award inaugurated to honour individuals who have worked to strengthen the UK-India relationship over the years.
    • Three winners were announced. Awardees were UK India Business Council chair Patricia Hewitt in the commerce category, Dame Asha Khemka for services in the field of education and actor Madhav Sharma for culture.
  4. Union environment ministry launched National Air Quality Index.
  5. NTPC, a state owned power company has committed to build 8152 toilet in government school under the ‘Swachh Bharat—Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan’.
  6. International day for the Eradication of Poverty observed on October 17th
    • On the occasion, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said “More than 1.2 billion people are living on less than $ 1.25 a day and 2.4 billion are living on less than $ 2 a day”.
    • He told there were at least 700 million people lifted out of extreme poverty between 1990 and 2010.
  7. Karur Vysya Bank gets IDRBT award
    • Karur Vysya Bank bagged the Best Bank Award for Business Intelligence Initiatives among small banks.
    • The IDRBT Banking Technology Excellence award is for 2013-14.
    • Karur Vysya Bank has been recognized for sixth year in row.