Daily GK Potion – 3rd and 4th May 2015

Gromo Referal
  1. CNR Rao conferred with Japan’s highest civilian award
    • Eminent scientist C N R Rao was conferred with Japan’s highest civilian award for his outstanding contributions to science and Indo-Japanese science cooperation.
    • The Emperor of Japan conferred the country’s highest award, the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star on Rao.
    • Rao is also the only Indian to be elected as a foreign member of the Japan Academy in Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research.
  2. Indira Gandhi International adjudged world’s best airport
    • Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) has been adjudged the world’s best airport for the year 2014, under the category of handling 25 to 40 million passengers per annum.
    • Airports Council International (ACI) presented the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) award to IGIA at a ceremony of the ACI Annual General Assembly.
    • The Delhi airport scored 4.90 on a scale of 5 points measured by 300 members of the ACI ASQ benchmarking programme.
  3. World Press Freedom Day is observed on 3rd May every year across the world. The theme of 2015 year is: Let Journalism Thrive! Towards better reporting, gender equality and media safety in the digital age.
  4. Indian Railway girls clinch 5th National Hockey Championship title
    • Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB) have won the 5th National women hockey championship title.
    • In the final match played at the Master Chandgi Ram sports stadium at Saifai, Uttar Pradesh the the RSPB girls team defeated Hockey Jharkhand by 12-2 goals.
  5. Syrian journalist Mazen Darwish honoured with UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2015
    • Syrian journalist and rights activist Mazen Darwish was honoured with UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2015.
    • He was bestowed with this award by the UN’s Cultural body for recognition of his work carried out in Syria for more than 10 years at great personal sacrifice, harassment, enduring a travel ban, as well as repeated detention and torture.
  6. Direct tax collection falls short by 14% in 2014-15
    • The direct tax collection by the government during 2014-15 fell short of the target by about 14 per cent with Rs. 6,96,200 crore revenue coming to its kitty.
    • The achieved collections are about Rs. 9,000 crore less or 14 per cent short of the projected target of Rs. 7,05,000 crore.
    • The collections are, however, 19 per cent more than the last fiscal. In 2013—14, the mop—up was Rs. 5,83,000 crore.

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