Daily GK Potion – 3rd October 2014

English Version

  1. India’s Forex falls by $1.41 billion
    • RBI’s weekly statistical supplement shows foreign CURRENCY assets, the biggest component of the FOREX reserves plunged by $1.39 billion at $287.39 billion.
    • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data showed that India’s foreign exchange reserves fell by $1.41 billion to $314.18 billion for the week ended on Sep 26.
    • The reserves had decreased by $101.3 million to $315.59 billion for the week ended Sep 19.
  2. In French tax probe, UBS faces fine of up to $6.3bn
    • Switzerland’s largest bank UBS could face a fine of up to $6.3 billion if found guilty in an investigation in France into whether it helped wealthy customers there avoid tax.
  3. A genetic analysis of thousands of individual viruses has confirmed beyond reasonable doubt that HIV first emerged in Kinshasa, the capital of the Belgian Congo in about 1920 from where it spread thanks to the colonial railway network to other parts of central Africa.
  4. India in ASIAD: Day 14
    • In kabbadi, the women’s team and men’s team won GOLD medal in their match against Iran.
    • Indian women’s team won BRONZE medal in hockey.
    • India with 11-Gold, 9-Silver, 37-Bronze rises to 8th position.

Hindi Version

  1. भारत की विदेशी मुद्रा $1.41अरब गिरी।
    • भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के साप्ताहिक सांख्यिकीय पूरक विदेशी मुद्रा आस्तियां, $ 287.39 अरब में $ 13.9 अरब की गिरावट विदेशी मुद्रा भंडार की सबसे बड़ा घाटे को दर्शाता है।
  2. फ्रेंच कर जांच में, यूबीएस डॉलर पर 6.3 अरब जुर्माना।
  3. एशियाड में भारत: 14 वां दिन
    • कबड्डी में, महिला टीम और पुरुष टीम ने ईरान को हराकर स्वर्ण पदक जीता।
    • भारतीय महिला टीम ने हॉकी में कांस्य पदक जीता।
    • भारत 11 गोल्ड के साथ, 9 रजत, 37 कांस्य 8वें स्थान  है।