Daily GK Potion – 6th May 2015

Gromo Referal
  1. Lok Sabha passes GST Constitution Amendment Bill
    • The Lok Sabha passed the much-delayed Constitution Amendment Bill to Goods and Service Tax (GST) on Wednesday, paving the way for a new bill on the uniform tax regime, even as the Congress Party staged a walkout in protest.
    • The Constitution Amendment Bill to implement GST, originally mooted by the UPA, was passed by 352 votes against 37 after the government rejected the opposition demand of referring it to a standing committee.
    • GST, which is proposed to be implemented from April 1, 2016, will subsume excise, service tax, state VAT, entry tax, octroi and other state levies.
  2. Salman Khan Convicted In 2002 Hit-And-Run Case
    • Actor Salman Khan has been convicted for culpable homicide on Wednesday in 2002 hit-and-run case. He has been sentenced for five years.
    • He, then applied for bail to the Bombay High Court, which has said he will not be arrested till Friday.
    • He is under trial in Rajasthan for shooting an endangered black buck gazelle in 1998. He spent a week in jail in 2006 in Jodhpur before being granted bail. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 7 years.
  3. World Asthma Day observed in CMCH
    • An awareness drive and a continuing medical education (CME) were held at the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital (CMCH) on Tuesday to mark the World Asthma Day.
    • The programme was organised by the Paediatric and the Thoracic Departments with the hospital staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students participating in it.
  4. Narendra Modi set to revive Vajpayee government’s Foreign Investment Implementation Agency project
    • The Foreign Investment Implementation Agency, a brainchild of the former Vajpayee government, is set to get a new lease of life under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
    • The government wants the FIIA to play a larger role in attracting FDI.
    • The agency’s role will be reinvented and expanded to handhold foreign investors and keep tab on sectors that have end-use operational conditions.

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