Here is the General awareness quiz for RBI/IBPS PO October 3rd 2018 in the quiz series for RBI grade B. This quiz series is also useful for IBPS/SBI PO, Railway recruitment, LIC AAO and clerical exams. The questions covers current affairs, static financial knowledge and other important topics which can be asked in competitive exams. Answers are given at the end of the quiz.

Q1. International Translation Day is observed annually on ________?
- September 12th
- September 17th
- September 23rd
- September 30th
Q2. World Habitat Day is observed annually on ___________?
- September 30th
- October 1st
- October 2nd
- October 3rd
Q3. What is the theme of World Habitat Day, 2018?
- Municipal Solid Waste Management
- Public Spaces for All’
- Changing Cities, Building Opportunities
- Cities and Climate Change
Q4. International Day of Older Persons is observed annually on __________?
- September 30th
- October 1st
- October 2nd
- October 3rd
Q5. What is the theme of International Day of Older Persons, 2018?
- Take a Stand Against Ageism
- Stepping into the Future
- Celebrating Older Human Rights champions
- Leaving No One Behind
Q6. RBI has recently imposed the penalty of Rs 5 crore on ___________ for non-compliance of its IRAC directives?
- Karur Vysya Bank
- South Indian Bank
- Karnataka Bank
- J&K Bank
Q7. Who has been conferred with the Noble Prize, 2018 for Medicine?
- Arthur Ashkin
- James P Allison
- Tasaku Honjo
- Both 2 & 3
Q8. Yuvraj Wadhwani is related to which sport?
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Squash
- Polo
Q9. Which among the following has been brought under RTI Act by Central Information Commission recently?
- All of the above
Q10. Who has been appointed as chairperson of National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA)?
- Vappala Balachandran
- Rangachari Sridharan
- Chandrashekhar Balakrishnan
- Pradip Bhattacharya
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 2
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