1. Earmark
Meaning in English: set aside (money) for particular purpose.
Meaning in Hindi: – अलग से रखना (किसी उद्देश्य विशेष के लिए), अलग रखना
Usage in Sentence:
“Deepak earmarked his FD for his studies.”
2. Eccentric

late Middle English (as a noun denoting a circle or orbit not having the earth precisely at its centre): via late Latin from Greek ekkentros, from ek ‘out of’ + kentron ‘centre’.
Meaning in English: unconventional and slightly strange.
Meaning in Hindi: – सनकी, उत्केन्द्र
Usage in Sentence:
“Ripun’s eccentric behavior let his business down.”
Synonyms: bizarre, erratic, nutty, odd, peculiar, strange, weird, aberrant, irregular, abnormal.
Antonyms: conventional, normal, ordinary, regular.
Mnemonic: Eccentric sounds like ex-centric i.e. deviating away from center is not normal.
3. Ecstasy
late Middle English (in sense 2): from Old French extasie, via late Latin from Greek ekstasis ‘standing outside oneself’, based on ek- ‘out’ + histanai ‘to place’.
Meaning in English: an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness, a state of sudden and intense feeling.
Meaning in Hindi: – परमानंद, उत्साह, अति आनन्द
Usage in Sentence:
“Mohit was full of ecstasy.”
Synonyms: happiness, joy, rupture, delight, enchantment, gladness, heaven.
Antonyms: depression, misery, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, woe, despairs.
Mnemonic: Remember stacy’s mom.
4. Edify

Middle English: from Old French edifier, from Latin aedificare ‘build’, from aedis ‘dwelling’ + facere ‘make’ (compare with edifice). The word originally meant ‘construct a building’, also ‘strengthen’, hence to ‘build up’ morally.
Meaning in English: improve morally, instruct morally.
Meaning in Hindi: – उपदेश देना, सिखाना, उन्नत बनाना
Usage in Sentence:
“Painting edify the viewers.”
Synonyms: enlighten, educate, improve, teach.
Mnemonic: edify sounds like rectify. You rectify something to improve.
5. Effeminate

late Middle English: from Latin effeminatus, past participle of effeminare ‘make feminine’, from ex- (expressing a change of state) + femina ‘woman’.
Meaning in English: having characterstics of typical women, unmanly.
Meaning in Hindi: – स्त्रैण, स्त्रीवत, जनाना
Usage in Sentence:
“Bobby darling’s appearance is effeminate.”
Synonyms: feminine, womanly, womanish, womanlike.
Antonyms: manly, masculine.
Mnemonic: Effeminate comes from word famine which means womanly.
6. Effulgent

mid 18th cent. (earlier (mid 17th cent.) as effulgence ): from Latin effulgent- ‘shining brightly’, from the verb effulgere, from ex- ‘out’ + fulgere ‘to shine’.
Meaning in English: shinning brilliant, radiant.
Meaning in Hindi: – चमकीला, दीप्तिमान
Usage in Sentence:
“Rohit is effulgent in physics.”
Synonyms: beaming, bright, blazing, brilliant, dazzling.
Antonyms: dull.
7. Egress

mid 16th cent.: from Latin egressus ‘gone out’, from the verb egredi, from ex- ‘out’ + gradi ‘to step’.
Meaning in English: exit, an action of leaving out a place, a way out.
Meaning in Hindi: – बहार आना, निकास, बाहर निकलना, उतरना
Usage in Sentence:
“Where is theatre’s egress?”
Synonyms: departure, doorway, escape, exit, opening, vent.
Antonyms: arrival, coming, entrance.
Mnemonic: egress sounds like exit.
8. Elated

late Middle English (as an adjective): from Latin elat- ‘raised’, from the verb efferre, from ex- ‘out, from’ + ferre ‘to bear’. The verb dates from the late 16th cent.
Meaning in English: filled with joy and pride, very happy and proud,
Meaning in Hindi: – प्रफुल्लित, उत्तेजित, उल्लसित, गर्वित
Usage in Sentence:
“I was elated at India’s victory over Pakistan.”
Synonyms: happy, delighted, overjoyed, gleeful, excited, jubiliant.
Antonyms: depressed, miserable, sorrowful, unhappy.
Mnemonic: Elated sounds like elected. If you are elected, then you are happy.
9. Elope

ate 16th cent. (in the general sense ‘abscond, run away’): from Anglo-Norman French aloper.
Meaning in English: secretly run away to get married.
Meaning in Hindi: – साथ भाग जाना, सहपलायन करना, गुप्त रहना, फ़रार होना
Usage in Sentence:
“Niket eloped with his maid.”
Synonyms: run off, abscond, flee, fly, disappear.
Antonyms: stay, wait.
Mnemonic: Elope resembles rope. A rope is used to run away from home.
10. Emanate

mid 18th cent.: from Latin emanat- ‘flowed out’, from the verb emanare, from e- (variant of ex- ) ‘out’ + manare ‘to flow’.
Meaning in English: give out, emit, come out.
Meaning in Hindi: – निकालना, उत्पन्न होना, उद्भव होना
Usage in Sentence:
“Proposal emanated from the board meeting.”
Synonyms: emerge, derive, emit, radiate.
Antonyms: conceal, take.
Mnemonic: Emanate sounds like emit.