Dear readers, RBI assistant result 2014 is announced for all regions except for the exam to be conducted at Srinagar centre and state of Tamil Nadu. RBI conducted exam for recruitment of assistants in month of September, 2014.
Download the list of shortlisted candidates from link below:
If not able to download from above link, Check link below
RBI Assistant Result 2014
Do comment below if your name is in list.
Other details
All the successful candidates are advised to send photocopies of the certificates in support of their Date of Birth, Academic Qualifications (Mark sheets of all years and Degree certificate), Caste Status (if SC/ST/OBC), Disability Certificate (for Persons with Disability – PWD), Release Certificate for the Ex-Servicemen as per applicable proforma provided in Annex II to the advertisement and Experience Certificate, if any, to the Regional Offices of Reserve Bank of India for which they had made the application for recruitment.
They are also requested to take a print out of the relevant proformae furnished below, duly complete them and send along with copies of above mentioned certificates to the Regional Director, Human Resource Management Department at the addresses of the respective Regional Offices appended below by Courier/Speed Post so that it reaches them within ten days of the date of publication/declaration of result. Please mention “Recruitment of Assistants -2014” on the envelope.
For other details visit this link: http://rbi.org.in/scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=2889