SBI PO recruitment 2015-16 notification has been announced.
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Probationary Officers (POs) in State Bank of India.
On-line registration of application: 13.04.2015 TO 02.05.2015
Payment of fee:
On line: 13.04.2015 TO 02.05.2015
Total number of vacancies: 2000
Total number of vacancies (PWD): 62
Exam Date:
The examination will be conducted tentatively in June, 2015.
The starting basic pay is 16,900/-(with 4 increments) in the scale of 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 applicable to Junior Management Grade Scale I. The official will also be eligible for D.A, H.R.A & C.C.A as per rules in force from time to time
Educational qualification:
Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government as on 10.08.2014.
Those who are in the Final year of their Graduation/Semester may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 10.08.2014.
Age Limit:
Not below 21 years and not above 30 years as on 01.04.2015 i.e candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.04.1985 and not later than 01.04.1994 (both days inclusive). For Relaxation of Upper age limit, check the detailed advertisement.
For detailed advertisement click here
Click here to apply online