Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) is a solar farming scheme to be introduced soon by government to provide additional income and water security to farmers. It envisages setting up solar power projects on the agriculture land and providing options to farmers to sell additional power to grid. the farmer oriented scheme involving decentralized solar power production upto 28250 MW over a period of five years. Under the scheme, a budget of Rs 48,000 crore has been allotted in budget 2018-19 for 10 years.

Objectives of the Scheme
- Promote decentralized solar power production
- Reduce transmission losses
- To support the financial health of DISCOMs by reducing the burden of subsidy to the agriculture sector
- To support States to meet the RPOs targets
- To promote energy efficiency and water conservation
- Provide water security to farmers through provision of assured water sources through solar water pumps – both off-grid and grid connected
- To provide reliable power to utilise the irrigation potential created by state irrigation departments
- To fill the void in solar power production in the intermediate range between roof tops and large parks
- Setting up of 10,000 MW of Decentralized Ground Mounted Grid Connected Solar Power Plants
- Installation of 17.50 Lakh Stand-alone Solar Pumps
- Solarisation of 10 Lakh Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps
- 50 Thousand Tube-wells/Lift Irrigation Projects
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