Geography – Questions Set 6

Q 1. Which of the following minerals is non-metallic in nature?
a. Iron
b. Bauxite
c. Manganese
d. Coal

Q 2. Which country is the largest producer of bauxite in the world?
a. China
b. Australia
c. Brazil
d. India

Q 3. Which country is the largest producer of mica in the world?
a. China
b. Australia
c. USA
d. India

Q 4. Which mineral is called ‘Buried sunshine’?
a. Iron
b. Coal
c. Bauxite
d. Mica

Q 5. Which mineral is called ‘Black Gold’?
a. Coal
b. Gold
c. Petroleum
d. Copper

Q 6. Which was the first country to develop hydroelectricity?
a. Norway
b. Finland
c. Netherland
d. China

Q 7. Which of the following gases is primarily present in bio gas?
a. Methane
b. Ethane
c. Nitrogen
d. Oxygen

Q 8. The commercial rearing of silk worms is called?
a. Agriculture
b. Pisciculture
c. Sericulture
d. Horticulture

Q 9. The breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds is called?
a. Agriculture
b. Pisciculture
c. Sericulture
d. Horticulture

Q 10. The growing of vegetable, flowers and fruits for commercial use is called?
a. Agriculture
b. Pisciculture
c. Sericulture
d. Horticulture

Q1.(d), Q2. (b), Q3. (d), Q4. (b), Q5. (c), Q6. (a), Q7. (a), Q8. (c), Q9. (b), Q10. (d)