Morale Concept, Types of Morale, Low and High Morale

The organisation’s focus is always on performance. The performance and efficiency of operation depends upon employee’s morale. ‘Morale’ is an attitude of satisfaction with desire to continue in and willingness to strive for the goals of a particular organization. It generally refers to feeling of enthusiasm, zeal, confidence in individuals or groups that they will be able to complete the tasks assigned to them. A person’s enthusiasm for his job reflects his attitude of mind to work, environment and to his employer, and his willingness to strive for the goals set for him by the organization in which he is employed.


Elements of Morale

There are two important elements of morale:

  1. Purpose: The individual shares the purpose which gives him – enthusiasm, energy and self-discipline.
  2. Responsibility: The responsibility of the authorities to infuse the feeling of togetherness, a sense of identification and his consideration for other members of the institution

Types of Morale

There are two types:

  • Individual Morale: It means a person’s attitudes towards life.
  • Group Morale: It implies the collective attitudes of a group of persons.

Low and High Morale

  • Low Morale: If employee is dissatisfied, irritated, cranky, critical, restless, and pessimistic then he is described as having poor or low morale. The possible side effects of it are Apathy and non-involvement, Fatigue and monotony, High labour turnover, Work stoppages, High rate of Absenteeism, Disciplinary problem, Restriction of output, Increased grievances, Labour unrest, Strike, Wastage and spoilage.
  • High Morale: High morale exists when the employee’s attitude is favourable to the totat situation of a group and to the attainment of its objectives. The employee displays certain attribute like spirit, zest, enthusiasm, loyalty, honesty, dependability, resistance to frustration etc. The possible effects of high morale are higher performance, Better quality of work, Job satisfaction, cheaper goods and services, lower cost, higher profits, better wages, employment stability, low absenteeism, low labour turnover, employees’ initiative, regularity and punctuality, good discipline, fewer industrial accidents, stability and growth of the organisation and sound industrial relation.

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