The World Migration Report 2020 is released by the UN-affiliated International Organization for Migration (IOM). The report has been produced to contribute to increased understanding of migration throughout the world. Here are some of the World Migration Report 2020 Highlights.

World Migration Report 2020 Highlights
The highlights of World Migration Report 2020 are:
- India accounts for the highest share with 17.5 million Indians living outside the country
- India is followed by Mexico (11.8 million) and China (10.7 million)
- Two-thirds of international migrants are labour migrants
- India the leading recipient of remittances
- International remittances in 2018 (2020 report) reached $689 billion
- India received $78.6 billion
- Followed by China ($67.4 billion), Mexico ($35.7 billion), Philippines ($33.8 billion), Egypt ($28.9 billion) and France ($26.4 billion)
- The United States was the top remittance-issuer, at $68 billion, followed by the United Arab Emirates ($44.4 billion) and Saudi Arabia ($36.1 billion).
- The top destination for international migrants is US where, as of September 2019, there were 50.7 million international migrants. The US is followed by Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation and the UK.
- The top migration corridors for Indians are the United Arab Emirates, the US and Saudi Arabia. Conversely, the highest number of migrants entering India comes from Bangladesh. The US is also the top choice for migrants from China
- As compared to the 2000 Global Migration Report, the number of international migrants has nearly doubled in the 2020 report, from 150 million to 272 million

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