Nagar van scheme has been launched by government on the occasion of World Environment Day to develop 200 Urban Forests across the country in next five years
The scheme has been initiated as an “urban forest” program to plant trees on land that has been marked as forest lands but do not have any trees. Rapidly increasing urbanisation has put our forests and tree cover under great pressure and with a view to reduce this pressure and increase green cover in urban set up, the Central Government has launched the novel scheme of creating urban forest, known as Nagar Vana Udyan Yojana.
These city forests will provide the city dwellers a wholesome natural environment for recreation and will contribute to improvement of the city’s environment by pollution mitigation, cleaner air, noise reduction, water harvesting and reduction of heat island effect. The entry fees can be charged to the visitors which will be used for maintenance of the garden.
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Features of Nagar Van scheme
The important features of Nagar Van Scheme are:
- a minimum of 20 hectares of forests will be created in the city.
- aims at developing 200 Nagar Van (City Forests) across the country in cities
- collaboration between forest department, Municipal Corporation or Municipalities by involving local communities, educational institutions, local bodies, NGOs
- Van Udyan once established will be maintained by the State Government
- Cities authorities are encouraged to have a city forest comprising area up to 100 ha in forest area within their jurisdiction for deriving maximum ecological and environmental benefits
- The scheme will be implemented across the country in next five years
- The finances for the scheme will be paid for by the CAMPA (Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) Act, 2016) funds.
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