The CAT Exam Pattern 2021 is decided by Indian Institution of Management (IIM). The Common Admission Test is a computer based exam consists of MCQ type and non-MCQ type of questions.
CAT Exam Pattern 2021
The CAT exam consists of three sections:
- Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension
- Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
- Section III: Quantitative Ability
What is the Duration of CAT Exam?
- The total duration of the test is 120 minutes. PwD candidates will have to complete the test in 160 minutes (i.e. 13 minutes and 20 seconds extra time for each section).
- The time allotted to each section is 40 minutes (53 minutes and 20 seconds for PwD candidates)
Is there any negative marking in CAT Exam?
- In MCQ type questions, each correct answer is awarded with 3 marks, -1 mark for each wrong answer and 0 (Zero) marks for each un-attempted question.
- In Non-MCQ type questions, each correct answer is awarded with 3 marks and 0 (Zero) marks for each un-attempted question and wrong answer. Thus, there is non negative marking in these types of question.
What is the number of questions asked in CAT Exam?
In CAT 2020 exam, there were total of 76 questions asked in MCQ and non-MCQ format. Earlier there used to be 100 questions to be attempted in 180 minutes.
What is Difficulty level of exam?
The difficultly level of exam is from moderate to tough.
How many times the CAT exam is conducted in a year?
The exam is conducted once in a year. The notification of exam is published around October and exam is generally conducted in November/December. However, it may get delayed this year due to ongoing COVID-crisis.
Important things to remember
- The use of on-screen calculator is allowed. It means lengthy computations are easily doable.
- The rough sheets are also provided, but these need to be submitted after exam is over. You are not allowed to carry them along.
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