In this article we will discuss about Study Plan on “How to Crack RBI Grade B Phase 1”.
How to crack RBI Grade B Phase 1?
So Lets’ get started
Type of Exam
The RBI Grade B Phase-1 is of Objective in nature. There will five options for every question. You have to select one option.
The exam is divided into four sections:
- General Awareness
- Reasoning
- English Language
- Quantitative Aptitude and;
Total Marks, Number of Questions, Time in Phase-1
- There are 200 questions asked in the exam.
- The total of 120 minutes are allotted to attempt the questions.
- There is sectional timing introduced from 2019 as given below:
Negative marking in RBI Grade B Phase-1
For every wrong answer marked by you, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
RT2 Formula (RTRT Formula) to Crack RBI Grade B Phase-1
We have the devised the formula to crack RBI Grade B Phase-1. We have designated this method as RT2 Formula (RTRT Formula). Let’s understand this method:
- Read and Practice: The first step of this method is that you pick a topic to study. Thoroughly read the topic and practice it.
- Test: The second step is to attempt questions on topic that you have read in step 1. Typically it should be time-bound. For instance, if you have read about Ratio and Proportions, then take 10 questions of it, set the timer to 10 minutes and attempt these 10 questions. Stop when timer is completed.
- Revise: In this step, you analyse the result of Test you have undertaken in Step 2. Analyse your weaknesses, correct them and revise the topic again.
- Test: In this last step, you shall again test yourself in time-bound manner.
This formula will ensure that you read every topic at least four times, so that you will remember the topic.
General Awareness
Let’s now discuss the study plan for General Awareness Section.
- This section is mostly Current Affairs based.
- You must score 60+ marks in this section.
- We can further divide the type of questions into three categories:
- Current Affairs: Around 60 questions are asked from current affairs
- Static GK and Banking Awareness: Around 10 questions are asked from static GK and Banking Awareness
- Budget, Economic Survey: Around 10 questions are asked from Budget and Economic Survey.
Current Affairs
- In 2019, questions were based on 3 months current affairs
- But you must target at least 6 months current Affairs
- We recommend you to start from January, 2020. The reason is that questions of ESI and FM section in Phase-2 are also current affairs based. So you can kill two birds with one stone.
- Sources:
Static GK and Banking Awareness
- Banking Awareness Quiz – Bankersadda
- Consolidated Magazine/Booklet – Papertyari (at the time of exam notification)
- Newspaper – Business Standard/Economic Times
Budget and Economic Survey
You must score 25-30 marks in this section.
Type of questions:
- Coding-Decoding (5)
- Alphanumeric (5)
- Input-Output (5)
- Inequality (5)
- Syllogism (5)
- Blood Relation (5)
- Directions (5)
- Puzzle and Seating Arrangement – Floor Based, Day-based, Month-based (20)
- Data Sufficient (5)
- Logical Reasoning (5)
Easily 20+ marks can be scored in this section
Type of questions:
- Comprehension (10)
- Sentence Correction (5)
- Match Sentences (2-3)
- Statement Rearrangement (5)
- Jumble Words (5)
- Paragraph Completion (2-3)
- Word swap (5)
- Read one editorial of TheHindu on daily basis. It shall be helpful for:
- Comprehension
- Sentence Completion
- Paragraph Completion
- English Language Quiz (Practice 1 Quiz Daily) – Bankersadda
- Topic-wise Sources: Will be posted on RBI Grade B Course Page on Papertyari
Quantitative Aptitude
General scoring range in this section is 8-16 marks. But last year this section was very easy, so 20+ marks should be easily scorable.
- Data Interpretation (Bar Graph/Table/Chart) (10)
- Quantities (Quantity1, Quantity 2) (5)
- Number Series (6)
- Data Sufficiency (2-3)
- Arithmetic (10)
- Ratio and Proportions
- Averages
- SI and CI
- Profit, Loss and Discount
- Time, Speed and Distance
- Time and Work
- Mensuration
- Mixture and Allegations
- Partnership
Test Series
Test Series is must to crack this exam. Whenever Notification is out, we will recommend you a test series.
Time Devotion
Typically 5-6 hours of study on daily basis is enough to crack both phase-1 and phase-2 of RBI Grade B