Organizational Behavior Study Material for B Com 2024

Organizational Behavior Study Material

Organizational Behavior B Com Online Study Material 2024

Welcome students to this free B Com study material 2024. This course namely Organizational Behavior covers study material of Organizational Behavior for B Com students. The content consists of combination of article, PDFs and videos.

Organizational Behavior for B Com Study Material 2024

Broadly speaking, we have divided this study material of Organizational Behavior into five modules:

  1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior
  2. Individual Behavior
  3. Motivation and Communication
  4. Group Behavior and Leadership
  5. Dynamics of Organizational Behavior

Let’s go through each of these modules.

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

  • Meaning, Need and Importance of Organizational Behavior: Read Page 3 and 4 of this PDF
  • Contributing disciplines of Organizational behavior: Read page 4 to 8 of this PDF
  • Organizational Theories: Read this PDF, then watch this Video
  • Organizational Behavior Models: Read 4.2 from this PDF and also watch this Video

Individual Behavior

  • Foundations of Individual Behavior: Read this article and then watch this video
  • Personality
    • Concept and Nature of Personality: Read section 4.3 from this PDF
    • Factors influencing Personality: Read this PDF, then watch this video
    • Personality Traits Theories: Read 104 from this PDF
    • Type A and Type B: Read 3.2 from this PDF and watch this video
    • Big Five Personality Types: Read 1.2 of this PDF from Page 5 to 7, then watch this video
  • Values – concept and types: Read this PDF, then watch this video
  • Attitude: Read this PDF, watch this video
  • Learning: Read this PDF, then watch this video
  • Perception: Read this PDF, then watch this video
  • Emotions and Emotional Intelligence: Read this PDF, then watch video 1, video 2

Motivation and Communication

  • Meaning and importance of motivation: Read Page 2 to 5 from this PDF
  • Need Theories:
    • Maslow hierarchy of needs: Read this Article
    • McClelland’s Theory of Motivation: Read this Article
    • Alderfer’s ERG Theory: Read this Article
    • Two factor theory of Herzberg: Read this Article
    • Theory X and Theory Y: Read this PDF
  • Intrinsic motivation by Ken Thomas: Read this Article
  • Behavior modification: Read 1.2 from this PDF
  • Communication: Read this PDF
  • JOHARI window: Read this PDF

Group Behavior and Leadership

  • Group Dynamics – Concepts: Read Page 1 to 4 from this PDF
  • Types of Group: Read Page 1 to 4 from this PDF
  • Group Norms: Read Page 5 from this PDF
  • Group Cohesiveness: Read this PDF
  • Leadership
    • Concept of Leadership: Read Section 9.2 from this PDF
    • Styles of Leadership: Read Section 6.6 from this PDF on Page no 8
    • Theories of Leadership: Read Section 5.5 from this PDF at Page 5

Dynamics of Organisational Behavior

  • Organisational Conflict – sources, resolution strategies: Read this PDF
  • Organisational Culture: Read this PDF
  • Organisational Change: Read this PDF
  • Stress: Read this PDF

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